Consumer Code
of Practice

Premium rate service calls are typically to numbers prefixed 090 or 091.
Premium rate services are typically provided by service providers who are responsible for the content or goods and services provided.
When you call a premium rate service, we will ensure your call is passed to the premium rateservice provider. The charge for the service will be applied to your account with us.
Calls to premium rate services are generally higher than calls to geographic numbers. You can contact us if you want to find out the cost of calling a particular premium rate service.
Calls to such numbers are not included in your bundle allowance.
We don’t currently offer a facility to bar calls to premium rate services.
The Phone-paid Services Authority (PSA) regulates premium rate services through its code ofpractice. The premium rate service provider is typically responsible for complying with much of the requirements of the code of practice. You can direct enquiries and complaints to the PSA, who may then investigate and issue sanctions for breach of the code. The PSA also offers a service checker service, to identify the premium rate service provider providing a particular premium rate service. You can contact the PSA on their Freephone number (0300 30 300 20) and access their website (which also has an online complaint form) at
Non-geographic numbers are not tied to a geographic destination and generally begin with 084 or 087 e.g. 0845 or 0870. Calls to directory enquiry services (118) are also non-geographic services.
Typically if you call these numbers your charge will be split into two parts: an access charge expressed as “pence-per-minute” payable to us for making the call, and a service charge which is set by and paid to the provider of the service you are calling.
In our Pricing Information on our website we show the service charge alongside the standardaccess charges payable by you. Calls to such numbers are not included in your bundle allowance.
Calls to numbers beginning 03 are charged at the same rate as you pay to call a geographic number e.g. a number beginning 01 or 02, and calls to such numbers are included in your bundle allowance.
Calls to numbers beginning 070 (called personal numbers) are charged at a higher rate. In our Pricing Information on our website we show the charges payable by you. Calls to personal numbers are not included in your bundle allowance.
If you have any queries about the information in this Consumer Code of Practice or the charges you have paid, or want to request a hard copy of this Code, please contact us:
  • in the ways set out in our Help pages on our website.
Premium Rate Services
Non-Geographic Numbers
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